How Evelyn Parrado Is Re-Defining the Fashion Industry

Evelyn Parrado is an up and coming fashion designer currently making waves in Miami, Florida. Known mostly for her Mexican inspired designs, Evelyn is hoping to take her brand to the next level.

She attended the Miami International University of Art and Design where she studied fashion and fashion merchandising. After graduating she took the industry by storm and worked alongside some of the biggest names in fashion. Over the last several years, Evelyn has taken every opportunity to showcase her unique talent and grow her brand. Her goal is to one day appear on a major runway during fashion week. She is currently operating her own business and selling her pieces internationally.

How did you get into the fashion industry?

I’ve always been really inspired by my travels and the places that I have visited for extended periods of time. When I was younger I always loved the idea of expressing myself through fashion and clothes. I think of it as an outward reflection of one’s personality.

What defines your approach to business?

My approach to business is very collaborative. While a lot of my designs and inspirations come from myself it still takes an entire team to execute them. I rely on a team of individuals to bring my ideas to life. We respect and appreciate each other’s options and that is vital to success.

What are the keys to being productive in such a busy environment?

Taking the time to reflect and practice mindfulness each and every day. I think that self-reflection is an important part of understanding yourself and your goals, whether they be personal or professional. I try to be alone for at least 20 minutes a day to meditate and reflect on the day’s events.

What is one long term goal that you have for your career?

I tell everyone that my goal first and foremost is to inspire individuals to express themselves. Maybe that is the goal of most designers but I think it is our job to give people an outlet. I get a lot of joy in seeing people on the street wear my designs. My second goal is to one day appear on a major runway. I want people to be able to look at one of my pieces and know that it is one of mine.

How do you measure success? 

Success to me is waking up each morning and being able to create. I really can’t ask for anything more. I am so fortunate that this is my life and that I get to forge my own path. I always do my best to encourage others to just follow their dreams and pursue their passions.

What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

I would have to say that throughout my travels and work experiences, the most valuable lesson I have taken away is to always hire the right people. There is nothing worse for creativity than working alongside individuals that don’t share the same vision. I know for myself, I have collaborated with people that weren’t fully invested in my ideas and then my work suffered. It’s always better to take the time to really get to know people and implement a comprehensive onboarding process. 

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

I really don’t see my job as work, so for me I always have my eyes open for new sources of inspiration. Whether I am at a local market or traveling overseas, I am always envisioning new concepts for my brand. However on days where I need to recharge, I can normally be found relaxing at the beach with a good book.

What is one trend that excites you?

One trend that excites me is the increased focus on sustainable fashion. I love that it is moving away from being a trend to being an actual industry standard. It’s important as designers that we all take steps to reduce our ecological footprint and take the environment into consideration as well. While it’s amazing to design clothes and be a part of something, we also need to realize that actions have consequences and we should be aware of how we are impacting the environment.

What is one strategy that you’ve had to help grow on the business side of things and can you please explain how that strategy has helped?

I have said it before but the best way to grow your business is to network and attend as many industry-related events as you can. It’s a lot to put yourself out there and sell yourself but in the end it’s necessary and one of the best ways to promote your business.

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How Evelyn Parrado Is Re-Defining the Fashion Industry