Adam Clarke on Business Success Factors

What does success look like or mean to you? Success, even in the business world, looks different to different people.

Adam Clarke, Macropay Founder and CEO, believes that the first key to business success is the ability to define it for yourself. Adam Clarke shares his insights on business success factors.

The Macropay founder found the traditional learning methods used in schools did not cater to him. Thus, at the age of 16, Adam got his first job in sales and he thrived. In 2013, Adam launched Macropay from a living room and succeeded in turning the small business into a multi-million-euro startup.

Business success factors

Adam succeeded where so many have failed. Here are some business success factors that he believes contributed to the success of Macropay:

1. Create a business plan

A business plan is a tool that helps you define what your business is and what it isn’t. It defines your company objectives and outlines how you will achieve your goals. If done correctly, a business plan can also help you to secure investment capital. A good business plan must include the elements like a list of the products/services offered, marketing strategy, financial projection and a budget.

2. Set SMART goals

Goals are how you measure whether your business is doing well and going in the right direction. Specifically, SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Goal setting is important because you cannot improve what you don’t measure. SMART goals help you set, action, and measure your goals more effectively.

3. Be tenacious

Tenacity is a critical business success factor. Adam Clarke aspired to be a successful businessman and he claims his urge to succeed was driven by, “1. Rage, 2. Something to prove and 3. Tenacity.” Adam says that tenacity enabled him to bounce back each time he faced a setback. The Macropay CEO further advises, “You should not believe that the entrepreneurs you look up to are different from you. The only difference is the ability to handle failure and rejection at an incredible rate. Standing up again after getting knocked over by failure is the most important part of being an entrepreneur.

4. Success is not permanent

Have you heard the statement “success is a journey and not a destination“? This is because in business, the moment you start feeling like you have arrived, that is the beginning of the end. Consider business giants like Kodak and Blockbuster. They were market leaders that grew too comfortable and failed to innovate. As a business, you have to ensure that growing big will not stop the company’s ability to be agile. Stay hungry and look for the next big thing to conquer using the current tools that your company has.

5. Surround yourself with quality people

As a business leader, you will not be good at everything. As such, an important business success factor is surrounding yourself with quality people. Do not simply look for people that think and work like you. Look for those that are good at the things you are not. These employees will push you to consider different perspectives and inch your business closer to success.

If you would like to learn more about Adam Clarke or Macropay’s revolutionary payment technology, get in touch.

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Adam Clarke on Business Success Factors