The Mises Institute’s Goal Is a World Free of War and Politics. Will You Stand by Our Side?

Dear Friend,

In the midst of this busy Christmas season, I want to make sure you received our year-end letter from Lew Rockwell.

If you already responded, thank you! But if not, will you take a minute today to make your most generous contribution and support the Mises Institute?

We are all thankful to have the political season of 2022 over, but now the 2024 presidential election looms like a bad moon. The midterms solved nothing and brought no relief to a divided and angry America.

But as a supporter of the Mises Institute, you know a better world is possible.

Democrats are insane and full of hate, doubling down on their every failed idea. Conservatives, for their part, are clueless about money, markets, property, and the crucial need for peace. Democracy itself is a huge failure, despite all the nonsense about our sacred political system.

In the midst of it all, the Mises Institute stands as a beacon of sanity in a politicized world. Please take a moment today to support us.

There is trouble around the globe. But there is tremendous cause for optimism. The Great Pushback (challenging progressivism) and the Great Relocation (voting with your feet) show no signs of slowing. Americans now question control by DC and central banks like never before. The covid and Ukraine narratives are collapsing. A handful of governors are asserting state sovereignty. Businesses and capital exit the crazy states. Momentum for our view grows!

History shows how things can change very quickly. But we need spirited Americans like you to help the Mises Institute reach more people than ever in the New Year.

Twenty twenty-two proved the obsolescence of the old media and the old ways of thinking. Our time is coming, but we need you.

Please take a moment to make your most generous donation to the Mises Institute today, and thank you if you already donated!

You can donate online here. We also accept gifts of appreciated stock, which can provide you with a tax deduction for the full current market value regardless of what you paid. We also gratefully accept bitcoin and real estate. We can even create a life estate for you to enjoy a residence or property during your lifetime but leave it to the Institute.

However you choose to donate, know that we deeply appreciate your support for everything the Mises Institute does. Thank you and best wishes for a healthy, prosperous 2023.