6 in 10 businesses prefer to buy UK-made products, new research finds

Almost six in ten of businesses prefer to buy UK-manufactured products over alternatives imported from other countries as ‘buy British’ sentiment rises 20% at businesses across the economy, according to nationwide research.

The research from Made in Britain found the two key drivers of economic patriotism among UK companies are “to help the British economy and support British jobs” and environmental reasons the trade association’s fifth annual survey has found.

Additionally, almost half of British companies say they have a procurement target for British-made products – up 20 percent from a year ago. Of those companies that have a procurement target for British-made products, the average target is 48 percent of all goods purchased, the research finds, revealing a huge year-on-year increase of 40 percent.

The trade association Made in Britain unites British manufacturers by their licensed use of the official Made in Britain collective Trademark – which they display on their physical products and packaging, as well as on their marketing materials (both physical and online) to promote their British provenance.

Nearly 80 percent of UK companies today recognise the official Made in Britain Trademark, the research also finds. Of those, nearly two thirds say they are more inclined to buy a product if they have seen the Trademark on it or associated with it, according to the research.

Made in Britain CEO John Pearce: “British businesses across the economy have been shifting their focus towards purchasing more UK-manufactured products because they want to support the domestic economy, while at the same time they are increasingly engaged with improving their sustainability practices and looking at the social value of their procurement policies, our research shows. The Made in Britain Trademark is the most widely understood and visually impactful marketing tool that British manufacturers can use to cater to this demand. Our ever-growing community of manufacturers tell us they proudly display the Trademark for three key reasons – it is the most effective way to communicate what type of company they are; it helps them sell more of what they make; and it bolsters trust and recognition for their brands.”

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6 in 10 businesses prefer to buy UK-made products, new research finds