Austrian Student Scholars Conference 2024

Grove City College will host the Austrian Student Scholars Conference on February 16-17, 2024. Open to undergraduates and graduate students in any academic discipline, the ASSC will bring together students from colleges and universities across the country and around the world to present their own research papers written in the tradition of Austrian School intellectuals such as Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, Murray Rothbard, and Hans Sennholz. Accepted papers will be presented in a regular conference format to an audience of students and faculty. This year, keynote lectures will be delivered by Dr. Sandra Klein and Dr. Peter Klein.

Cash prizes of $1,500, $1,000, and $500 will be awarded for the top three papers, respectively, judged by a select panel of Grove City College faculty. Hotel accommodations will be provided to all students who travel to the ASSC to present their papers and limited stipends are available for travel expenses. Students should submit their proposals to present a paper to conference director, Dr. Jeffrey Herbener (, by January 15th, 2024. To be eligible for the cash prizes, finished papers should be submitted to the Director by February 1st, 2024.