How to calm yourself when you need to make the right decision?

We already talked about the mental health importance for the workflow. But what about more concrete situations when you need to handle your emotions?

A sudden attack of anxiety that occurs on the eve of some important event for you is normal. This is faced by musicians before concerts, athletes before an important performance, and office worker, who is destined to present their project to the board of directors.

But, let’s be honest with you, this is not reassuring, and fear often spoils the whole thing, and then you are swallowed up by resentment, regret, and self-pity. But that doesn’t mean you have to leave things the way they are.

On the contrary, you must overcome your fears so that they do not spoil your life. This can be done using the following techniques.

Just breathe

This is the simplest technique, which has developed beautifully within a number of religious cults, as well as psychological practices. Its essence boils down to the fact that the time of inhalation should correspond to the time of exhalation. So, while you exhale, count to four, and when you start to inhale, also count to four. Breathing is the only autonomous body system that you can control. This means that if you change the pace and depth of your breathing, you can change your mood. And not only breathing can help you. If you combine it with any activity that soothes your anxiety it will only benefit you. Watch a movie, that is a comfort zone for you, listen to your favorite songs, stroke your cat, and listen to his or her purring while you slowly breath. Did you know that there are cat breeds that are more calming than others? You can pet DNA to find out if your cat has this kind of feature.

By the way, if your mood changes, then your breathing will change. So before the immediate start of any important event, for example, speaking in public, focus on slow and measured breathing – this will help to calm down.

Talk to Yourself

This advice may sound trite to you, but various kinds of life-affirming quotes, said out loud to yourself, really have a positive effect on mood. But in order for the “mantras” to work, you need to believe in them. And it is very hard to believe if you treat such words as spells, and not real words, behind which hides something real.

You must use positive expressions, not negative ones. For example, if you tell yourself: “I know everything about this, and I will succeed,” then you will concentrate on the positive. But if you say things like, “Damn, I can’t screw this up,” then your mind will focus on the negative, which will only add to the emotions.

Trust your knowledge and experience

Not for that you studied and lived your worst years, faced bad people on your way, and endured various sores (mental and physical) in order to give up and go crazy before the big day. You have the experience that others don’t. You have knowledge that(believe us) others do not have either. If you accepted the challenge, then you probably knew from the very beginning that you could do it. It cannot be otherwise.

The jitters you’re feeling right now are normal. The worst thing is when you listen to poisonous remarks from the outside, which drive artificial helplessness into your head. Do not listen to them. Do what you should and see where it goes.

Know your strengths and the weaknesses of others

When it comes to any competitive moment. For example, if you go to an interview where a dozen more people go, then you should concentrate on your strengths, as well as study the shortcomings of others. If you analyze this case well, then it will be much easier for you to get the desired place by just pressing on the right points.

The same is true for sports, poker, and any other competition. If you keep a clear picture in your head about this, then it will be easy for you and the anxiety will go into the background.

Love your anxiety

This is not absurd, but sound advice. The fact that you are nervous indicates that there is a lot of adrenaline in your body, which means that your body is in perfect fighting condition. The trick is to use this critical state for good, not for evil. For starters, it’s enough to simply interpret anxiety as something positive. Think that this is your charge, which will allow you to fulfill your plans at the highest level.

Know your goal

If you are going for something dangerous, difficult, or fateful, but do not know your true goal, then with a high probability you will end up with some kind of loss. Not understanding the purpose, you soak your mind through fears and questions such as: “Why am I doing this?”; “What the hell am I doing there?”; “And why can’t I sit at home?”

The cure for the apathy that can overtake you at the most crucial moment is simple: you must create a complete picture in your head about the causes, consequences, and purpose of the task ahead. If you understand why you are doing all this, then you will have a foundation on which you can stand firmly.

Focus on what is in front of you

And, perhaps, one of the most useful tips for you: focus on the tasks that are in front of you right now. No need to look too far, it will make you more nervous. For example, you need to perform in front of a large number of people. Don’t think that you will look stupid or stutter. Think about your image, about what clothes you need to choose. When you step on stage, take a look

poison the whole room. Think about ways to communicate with him in advance. Learn the script. Learn to improvise. Forget what will be further than now, and then your brain will not worry, because it will always be in motion.

Read more:
How to calm yourself when you need to make the right decision?