Is personalised marketing the key to business growth?

Consumers see thousands of marketing messages and adverts every single day. For businesses and marketers this poses a difficult problem, how can they reach their audience when they’re audience is bombarded with so many messages?

Not only do business owners have to fight for their audience’s attention, but this extra competition also drives the cost of advertising through the roof making it unfeasible for many small businesses.

Larger companies, have another problem. They struggle to have real conversations with their audience, instead adopting the old-style of marketing– talking ‘at’ their audience rather than ‘to’ them.

How personalised marketing can help

Personalised marketing is exactly how it sounds, it’s about speaking to an audience in a way that they prefer. They receive messages and information based on their preferences and needs, as opposed to bombarding them with broad advertising messages that they’re most likely ignoring.

Personalised marketing also allows companies to speak to customers more closely and gain an understanding of them, their goals, problems and concerns. This also allows business owners to offer specific solutions that will help their audience achieve their goals in a way that suits them. There are a few ways you can get started with personalised marketing.

Collect the correct data first

One of the best ways to find out what customers want and need is to ask them. It sounds simple enough, but businesses often miss this step. Instead, they opt for creating products and services that their customers don’t want and they fail to sell them.

Use a quiz or a survey tool

Businesses can make a quiz or a survey that customers can take before buying. This quiz will allow customers to answer questions before a company makes a recommendation. The best part, it’s automated. This is a highly effective way to deliver personalised messaging without customers needing to speak to anyone. Businesses can collect information and contact details from their potential customers whilst also delivering relevant products. It’s win-win.

One major benefit for business owners is that this method of automation allows them to collect new and interested leads 24 hours a day.

Personlised recommendations

Once someone has completed a quiz or survey, they can be redirected to a page that only offers products and services that are right for them. This method of data-driven recommendations makes customers feel more valued and allows them to save time when shopping online.

Email communication

If customers decide not to buy immediately after taking a quiz, a company can continue to send email communication that is hyper relevant. The data from the quiz or survey allows companies to send personalised messaging about products and services that they know customers want.


Social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn allow businesses to advertise directly to people on their email lists. This means the same people who have taken the quiz but have not purchased can then be segmented and retargetted on social media. This makes the adverts more personalised which is proven to increase conversions.

Use the data for good

If business owners are looking to create more products and services in the future, the data from the quiz will be extremely valuable. The data shows a list of wants and needs which will help companies prioritise which products to focus on first.

Businesses will always be looking for new ways to grow their audience and increase revenue. But by using quiz software alongside personalised marketing, companies can dramatically increase their customer relationships for years to come.

Read more:
Is personalised marketing the key to business growth?